I just wanted to wish all you lovely readers a Happy New Year. I hope you have a great night, and a fabulous 2014. I also wanted to list a few blogging resolutions I am going to make.
The first is all about schedules.

I'm not an organized person, but without any kind of schedule or deadlines I just don't do things. I'll start them, but they never get finished until they HAVE to be done. Over the last few months of 2013, this started effecting my blog. I have so many drafts (73 at this moment) and now of them are finished. Some need pictures to added, some need to be written and others just need to be published.
For 2014, I am vowing to sort myself out. I am going to give myself a blog schedule to keep things up to date and I am not letting this blog go without a post for a month or something silly like that.
So, to give myself some kind of deadlines I am posting on:
I also plan on posting at least once a week over on my book blog which is called A Little Bit if Literature (have a read here).

The second resolution is to interact with more bloggers. That includes both over the internet (in comments, on twitter etc.) or in person by going to more meet ups and events. I don't really put myself out there so I am going to change that. It would be nice to make some blogging friends because none of my real friends really get this blog or even know about it.

The third resolution is to try and improve the quality of my posts. I sometimes don't proof read my posts and I rush to get them up. I don't think about what I'm writing and I really need to. I think by improving the quality of my blog posts I can help my blog grow over the next year.
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