Saturday, 5 October 2013

Life Update #1

Today I'm just going to ramble, so I hope you don't mind and bare with me because I'm not planning on editing this to much. You might have noticed that post are few and far between at the moment and I do have a bit of a reason.  

Over the last few months life has just gotten really hectic. I've moved back to London, I've started my 3rd year (of 4) of uni, started a new role in one job, got a second job and have been trying to have a social life. I've always tried to keep up with everything I have going on but recently I've failed at that. 

So with everything being so mental I hope you can all understand that posts might not be going up as often as I would like. I just need to find and settle into a routine again and unfortunately my blog (whilst I love it) it does come behind uni and work. 

On other notes, I want to expand this blog a bit. I'd love to write about more things that just what foundation I'm using so if you have any tips on how to expand on what I'm posting about please leave me a comment. I'm not all that fashionable, so fashion isn't really something I can post about but I'd love to hear about anything else you like to read about. 

Thanks for reading my rambling post, and I promise something will be posted soon and I will try and get back into some kind of posting schedule.  
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  1. Aw I like your posts Hun, but if you want to try something new, just go buy something you like the look of and review it, anything x

    Beautyqueenuk xx


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